New year drinks elder parkers.
A few days after my departure, I had received an e-mail from Dr. Richard G. Hoehner, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at U. Colorado in Boulder, informing me that he had been appointed the new Director of Research on the Bering Strait Sea, and requesting that I해운대출장안마 해운대출장마사지 contact him directly. In February, 1993, Dr. Hoehner will officially retire from the University, and I have since become aware of his new assignment. On February 11, Dr. Hoehner wrote me:
On Feb. 13, 1994, I received the e-mail you forwarded from me and asked if I would like to visit you with one of our team. Dr. Robert F. Hoehner, I 평택출장마사지presume, will be going to visit my wife and daughter, Dr. Laura and the two young children in November. We do not yet have a date set for his departure from his position as director of research, however, we are looking forward to finding one. We do not yet know when we will see him, but if you have any questions about the position, please don’t hesitate to contact me through your e-mail. In the meantime, may you all do something to help in getting you back. Sincerely, Richard F. Hoehner
By November, I had already decided to return. For several days, I had discussed the implications of bringing Dr. Hoehner back to the Univ제천출장샵 제천안마ersity, to which he had taken leave from in 2003. I was concerned that he would miss out on opportunities to work with our faculty and students, and I thought about making reservations to see him in November. But, after some thinking and reflection, I decided to go with it, and contacted Dr. Fenton to see if I might find a way to facilitate the travel. This was at the suggestion of Dr. G.D. Eichholtz, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology. Since his departure, I have not had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Hoehner and to have any discussion, but I did receive several requests from Professor Eichholtz’s team to attend two conferences in Denver during the holidays: the first, a lecture by Dr. Hoehner, was co-sponsored by the U of C, the University of California at Los Angeles and the College of Liberal Arts of Texas, and the second, a public lecture by Dr. Hoehner was co-sponsored by the University of Washington, the U of Colorado at Boulder and the Universit